My Other Websites
Free Online Flash Cards - IQFuse is a free online utility for studying flash cards. Now you can study, make, and share flash cards all online.
Jadence, LLC - My company. We created IQfuse, an awesome online site for memorization using online flash cards. We do independent consulting work with a focus on web applications.

Cool Websites Worth Checking Out
The Wedding Lens Photo Albums - Collect unlimited full-size photos from all your wedding guests to remember the day forever.
Menuism - Rate what you ate.
PickFu - PickFu is a tool that provides instant, unbiased and insightful public opinion on questions that you care about.

People I Know With Websites
Note: this is not a "friends" list where I list my friends. This is a links page. If you're not on here it's because you don't have a website. At least not one that I know of. Email me to get added.

Jason Ko - floormate freshmen year, lab partner soph year, and roommate jr. year. Also check out his DDR Freak site.
Kyung's Site - introduced me to a local kick boxing gym and used to give me rides there for practice.
pennypie - she'll whoop you in any board game.

Random Useful and Not-So-Useful Stuff
Straight Dope This columnist answers all types of interesting questions in a hilarious style. Factually accurate, and always an interesting read.
Official Athletic Site, University of California Golden Bears - Go Bears!
Daily Cal - Find out what those crazy Berkeley Students are doing now.

Companies I Like
UC Berkeley Wellness Letter - One of the few health/fitness publications I trust. Written and edited by real doctors and phd's - not moronic hype-driven journalists.
Trader Joes - Cheap liquour and 98% fat free chicken, bean, and rice burritos. This place rocks. They don't use preservatives and artifical crap in their products.
Lock Laces - Tying shoe laces is so passé. Now and then they have coupon codes available so run a quick search on the internet before purchasing.

Nerd Stuff
Ruby on Rails - Web application framework. Used it to build this site. I think I'm in love.
PHP - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, kickass scripting language designed for web development. Used exclusively in the previous iteration of this site.
Debian - The Linux Distro I currently use.
Red Hat Linux - The Linux Distro I used to use
MySQL - The database used for this site. It's open-source. It's cool.
GNU Emacs - god's gift to software developers
Opera - IMHO the best web browser out there. Try it - you'll like it.
Firefox - IMHO the second best web browser out there.
Silent PC Review - Neighbors wonder why you're vacuuming all the time because your computer sounds like a frickin' jet plane!? I did extensive research on this site, which specializes in silencing PC's, before building my latest computer and dayam . . . my computer is so quiet now - it's bliss. Highly recommended if you're going to be building a computer.
Slashdot - News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters

Not-Useful-At-All Crapola . . . But It's Funny!
The Onion - Self-proclaimed finest news source of America
Dilbert - I read this religiously. Wasn't funny until I started work at Banc of America Securities.
Calvin and Hobbes - Best comic ever